
文章: 1398
註冊時間: 2007-04-20, 19:47


文章 edisonsimba »


About 20 years after?

Look she's grown up a lot~.

I took this one in the best-lighted area of my home since people always point out that my images are very dark.

It does look quite well-lit. Maybe too bright? Aww I have no idea. What's the standard~. But at least now I realized how dark my past own pictures looked !! I'll be more careful from now on !

Well then. Please draw your attention to this DVD~!! It's Disney-san's The Little Mermaid!

It was released in 1989 in America, and it seems like the 6-year-old me thought "This is it ! ! !" and got hooked on the little mermaid in sleep or wake for a while. As I have this habit of keeping drawing exactly the same thing for a couple of months when I go nuts over something, and at this time I drew heaps of pictures of Ariel sitting on a rock~. (Before that one I drew Nippontsuru. Maybe I loved its having a red part only on the top of its head.)

What thrilled me much was the sense of color rather than the story, and on top of that, I really really really really loved the title tune "Part Of Your World" more than anything else ! !

When I hum a tune this is the song that comes up even now. I had a huge huge crush on its melody, lyrics and everything. So this is what's called "yearning" - I don't if I thought that way, but anyway it was such an eureka moment to me.

A while ago I found this DVD at a convenience store, which brought back my memories, so I bought it, went back home and watched it while taking a bath. I dropped tears into the bathtub at the scene that Ariel sang the title tune ! I was in the state of "OMG my eyes are watering so I can't see the tiny screen of my waterproof DVD player well !".

And you know, after that, no matter how many times I watch the DVD I always start crying in that scene. I guess her way of singing would be pretty good. Her skill to control waves of vocal inflection is just amazing. I mimicked and practiced her singing thousand times. Oh, I just remembered I have the sheet music also.

I watched the Japanese-dubbed version for the first time and got shocked to find that the singing was fairly plain. I have no idea if it is because of the interpretation of either voice actor san or staff people, but anyways I'm disappointed with it a bit since I cannot feel the vibe of building up excitement which the original version has ! I'd say it is quite rare I review someone else's song, but please allow me to comment on this single one ! I'm just an another snappy fan !

Its the song of my soul . . . I thought back to the lyrics of this song when I became famous and unable to go out casually. The part of the lyrics that Ariel shows longing for walking on the ground. Ooohh! Ariel - ! ! ! (T 0 T )

I'm not good with seawater, by the way . . .

宇多田還說她每次看【小美人魚】必哭,談到她最愛的歌曲"Part Of Your World",歌詞完全道出她成名後的心聲,另外她似乎也注意到了小美人魚日版配唱的問題,沒辦法像原音版那樣的的令人激昂。

PS. 宇多田買的可是重發版的【小美人魚】DVDㄟ

●retrieved from 宇多田官方網站


【CD でーた4月號〈宇多田特集-Roots & Favorite 篇〉】


「其實我沒什麼音樂性的根源或根基呢。因為實在太多了,所以也稱不上是根源。不過,當我還是小寶寶時,父母就讓我聽了很多The Beatles。總之就是The Beatles、The Rolling Stones、T-REX等等。至於自己主動喜歡上的音樂,應該是在8歲或9歲時喜歡上的迪士尼電影『小美人魚』原聲帶。讓我覺得〝這個超讚的~!〞而買了錄音帶。之後,最常聽的就是Janet Jackson和TLC吧。還有Dr Dre等等。大概是在我唸完小學的時候。不過我也聽了很多搖滾樂。也喜歡GUNS N' ROSES、METALLICA、LED ZEPPELIN。但我也喜歡2PAC,真的聽了很多呢。

●retrieved from 金牌大風 EMI東洋音樂官方部落格
最後由 edisonsimba 於 2009-03-02, 16:03 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章: 1398
註冊時間: 2007-04-20, 19:47

Re: 宇多田超愛【小美人魚】

文章 edisonsimba »


她的歌曲"Simple and Clean"與"Passion"先後都被迪士尼開發的PS2遊戲《王國之心1》與《王國之心2》拿來當主題曲呢! ~hm
文章: 1398
註冊時間: 2007-04-20, 19:47

Re: 宇多田超愛【小美人魚】

文章 edisonsimba »

發行英文新專輯的宇多田,在美國的歌迷見面會上大唱"Part of Your World"

想直接聽的朋友可以快轉到4:12 ~hm