超洗腦!【冰雪奇緣2】Into the Unknown 等原聲帶搶先看!

針對迪士尼音樂和歌曲的討論,包括迪士尼作品的配樂、詞曲、編曲、演唱者,以及各類迪士尼音樂CD、黑膠唱片及數位音樂的出版消息、Music Video …等等。
tony stark
文章: 101
註冊時間: 2016-04-06, 19:40
來自: 影劇好有梗

超洗腦!【冰雪奇緣2】Into the Unknown 等原聲帶搶先看!

文章 tony stark »

迪士尼終於曝光了【冰雪奇緣2】的主題音樂搶先看!其中艾莎演唱的主題曲 "Into the Unknown" 被譽為下一個 Let it Go~~~


"Into the Unknown"


另外還有雪寶演唱的 "When I Am Older"

艾莎演唱的 "The Next Right Thing"


1. "All is Found" – performed by Evan Rachel Wood

2. "Some Things Never Change" – performed by Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad and Jonathan Groff

3. "Into the Unknown" – performed by Idina Menzel (featuring Norwegian singer AURORA)

4. "When I Am Older" – performed by Josh Gad

5. "Reindeer(s) are Better than People (Cont.)" – performed by Jonathan Groff

6. "Lost in the Woods" – performed by Jonathan Groff

7. "Show Yourself" – performed by Idina Menzel and Evan Rachel Wood

8. "The Next Right Thing" – performed by Kristen Bell

9. "Into the Unknown" – performed by Panic! At The Disco (end credits)

10. "All is Found" – performed by Kacey Musgraves (end credits)

11. "Lost in the Woods" – performed by Weezer (end credits)


電影獵奇、影評、彩蛋,盡在 @影劇好有梗 _______________
tony stark
文章: 101
註冊時間: 2016-04-06, 19:40
來自: 影劇好有梗

Re: 超洗腦!【冰雪奇緣2】Into the Unknown 等原聲帶搶先看!

文章 tony stark »

同場加映 Into the Unknown 網上流出的完整歌詞+自行翻譯 :D

I can hear you, but I won’t. 我聽得見你 但我不從

Some look for trouble, while others don’t. 有些是麻煩 有些則不

There’s a thousands of reasons I should go about my day, 該不該離開生活 有千萬種理由

and ignore you whispers which I wish to go away. 我無視你的悄悄話 希望能拋腦後

You’re not a voice, you’re still a ringing from my ears, 你不是我的內心 別想試著左右我

and if I heard you which I don’t, I’ve spoken for my fear. 如果我聽見不該聽的 我為恐懼而發聲

Everyone I’ve ever loved are leaving within these walls. 記憶裡我愛的一切 就在我眼前

I’m sorry, secret siren, but I’m blocking out your clothes. 對不起 我的內心 再努力也沒用

I’ve had my advanture, I don’t need something new. 冒險過的滋味 我不會再嚐第二遍

I’m afreid of what I’m risking, if I follow you into the unknown. 我畏懼眼前的風險 如果我和你 向未知探索

What do you want cuz you’re keeping me awake. 你一直叫醒我 為的是什麼

Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake? 你是來分心害我做錯事情的嗎?

Or are you someone out there who’s a little bit like me? 或者其實你是外面某些和我志同道合的人?

Who knows? Deep down, I’m not where I’m meant to be. 誰知道? 對我而言 我不屬於這裡

Everyday is a little harder as I feel my power grow. 我的力量越來越強 日子越來越難過

Don’t you know there’s part of me that loves to go into the unknown.
你可知道 一部分的我 其實嚮往 向未知探索?

Oh are you out there? Do you know me?
你還在嗎? 你認識我嗎?

Can you feel me? Can you show me?
你感受得到我? 讓我看看好嗎

Oh where are you going? Don’t leave me alone.
哦 你要去哪? 別把我丟下

How do I follow you into the known.
該怎麼 跟著你 向未知探索
電影獵奇、影評、彩蛋,盡在 @影劇好有梗 _______________